
Over the years EMG has accumulated vast experience providing consultancy , planning and system integrating services to prominent bodies in Israel and Abroad, We name a few of the below:

Government Institutes-
The Israel Parliament
The supreme court
Halls of Justice in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beer Sheva
The Enforcement and Collection Athority (25 sites)
Kenya Parliament – Nairobi
And many more government complexes 

Critical Sites-
Israel Chemicals (12 Plants)
Israel Electricity Corporation
Mekorot- Israel national water Co.
Petrochemical Idustries

Defence and Security Organizations-
Israel Defence Force- IDF
Iarel Prison Service – IPS (6 Prisons)
Border Control- Poland
Transmition Stations- South Africa
Classified Projects

Public Organizations-
Hospitals and Medical Centers
Universities and Educational Institutions
Sport Sadium
High Tech (Intel, HP, NDS, Comvers, Teva, Sandisk)

Municipal Facilities-
Municipality of Jerusalem
Municipality of tel Aviv
Municipality of Ra’anana
Municipality of Ashkelon
And More.

For details on more projects

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